
Bonuses Comparison

You can check out the summary table of InstaForex bonuses. We have compared them based on the verification requirements, a possibility to withdraw, the stop out level, and other parameters. Please, read the information in the table below carefully before you choose the bonus that suits you best.

250% Bonus
100% Bonus
Bonuses for every deposit
30% Bonus 55% Bonus
30% 55%
Profit withdrawal
Verification Second level
The biggest bonus sum Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Crediting principle Without deposits For the first deposit only For each new deposit For each new deposit
Compatible bonuses Compatible bonuses InstaForex Club Bonus
It is available for new clients
It is available for clients who already have an account with the company
Lots for bonus withdrawal Unwithdrawable Unwithdrawable X*3 InstaForex lots
where X is the total amount of all bonuses received
X*6 InstaForex lots
where X is the total amount of all bonuses received
Maximum leverage 1:1000 1:200 1:1000 1:200
PAMM investing
Options trading
Stop Out 100% 100% 10% 100%
Profit withdrawal Without limits Without limits Without limits Without limits
Limits on affiliate commission 1/2 1/2 2/3
Additional advantages Crediting to a live account without your own deposit A profit received thanks to bonuses could be withdrawn without limits It could be increased to 40% It could be increased to 70%